Monday, March 15, 2010

Reflection on the reading in week 9

I still remember in one movie which I forget the name, the hero said he did not need to work because his father once create a Christmas song and he could inherit the money paid for the copyright by anyone that use it. I do not understand this situation until I read the reading material this week.
It is about the copyrights law in Hong Kong.
Actually I am so surprised to realize that the copyrights thing is such a serious thing, which is not in mainland China. People in mainland China never care about the copyrights. Copying the whole books or download music or movie from website are so common that even no one doubts it. Maybe it is the difference between Hong Kong and mainland China. Haha~
Besides, there are some ambiguous terms in the reading, for example, “reasonable portion of the copyright works” “to a reasonable extent” and “directly connected with” and so on. And all of these make it difficult to follow both for the individual and the lawyers.
In my point of view, the copyright is very important and serious, as teacher said in the class, if you have known that everyone will copy the book, you will definitely stop writing it because you cannot make money from what you have written. People should respect their intellectual rights, which is a symbol of progress of civilization. Protecting the copyright can effectively encourage the creating of great works. And the great amount of good works can also in turn perfect the copyright law.


blueberry said...

Westerners and Chinese share different points of view on copyrights and citing others' words actually have an important effect on the way how they educate the young generation. The former emphasize the importance of individual freedom and creativity while the latter force their children to recite books after books. But now both mindsets have been changing gradually. For example, the Chinese begin to take copyrights more seriously. More and more professional writers are voicing out their concern on protecting their own work.

Helen Wang said...

I like the story you described in the beginning, it's really interesting. I have the same opinion about the copyright in Mainland China. You focus more on what things would happen if people obey or offend copyright, and I tried to explain what lead to such a situation in Mainland China.

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